For this project, I was to create album art for a song of choice from an artist from Norco College.
Background/Research: I chose the song "Behave" by Rayhaan ft. Ela. I could not find any information on Rayhaan through an online search, but did find info on the featured artist Ela. Ela very much enjoys art and had sculpted soup cans into a ceramic piece, while also showing ketches she does of others on a post it note.
Objective: Create a sketched so bup can with a clean sketch-like font for the wording.
Target Audience: Indie music loving fans from ages 16-24 years old. Target audience enjoys the latest fashion trends, shopping at Urban Outfitters, and listening to artists familiar to Gracie Abrams.
Challenges: Converting the hand drawn sketch of the soup can to illustrator while still maintaining the strokes.
Solution: Taking the image from Procreate as an SVG, transferring it to Adobe Illustrator, and then fixing any small details by using the smooth and wrinkle tool.
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